Sunday, January 27, 2013

Smart Phone Probs

Smart Phone Probs

                Do you think IPhones are a bad thing for teens to have? I would agree that they can be in some cases. I think they are a big distraction especially in school. I would agree that over fifty percent of high school students would do one hundred percent better in school if they didn't have smart phones. Yes, people text during class but it isn't as big as a deal as smart phones. Smart phones have million of different applications, also known as distractions.

            I can even say so myself that I text every day in every class for a good amount of time at school. I do know it is taking away from my learning but as soon as I feel my phone buzz I feel that I have to look at it. I’m not a bad student but I know I could be better if I didn't bring my phone to school. Even knowing this will I ever leave my phone at home, no, no I won’t. I am not one of those kids that can’t live without their phone it’s just that I like to text people when I get bored and I like to play games on my smart phone at lunch. I have been trying to hold back on texting lately and so far I am doing a lot better in class and my focus has been better. Yet I still text during classes and play games, that is my choice.

            Not only have smart phones become a distraction in the classroom they have also been a problem in the family house. All over the world kids are getting smart phones at a younger age each year and are getting in more and more trouble. Some children loose all respect for the ones around them when this device is in their hands. When you are at the dinner table you are supposed to be talking to the ones around you, not playing games on your phone. When you are at a fast food place it is so disrespectful for you to be on the phone while ordering, paying and receiving your food that you have purchased. Don’t be that disrespectful person.

            Smart phones are supposed to be for emergencies. If you get lost you can pull up the GPS on your phone to get you back on track to where you are safe. More and more people are beginning to feel that it is necessary to waste your battery on games and the internet doing nothing, than it is to save a little battery that could possibly save your life.

            Smart Phones are good though because they can keep you occupied if you are alone or if you are bored. You can watch Netflix on them and surf the web and like every phone, communicate with friends. They are also helpful in an awkward situation when you are at a friends’ house and their parents are yelling at them and you are sitting there like oh my goodness this is so awkward. Instead of just sitting there all red, you can pull out your phone and play a game or at least pretend like you are doing something so you feel like the situation just got that less awkward. (547)

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