Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Importance of Keys

The Importance of Keys

Keys are very important and useful in many, but different ways. Keys that are used to lock/unlock and start a car are extremely important! Well if you don’t have a key to start your car then you can’t get anywhere, but if you unlock/lock key is different from the key that goes into the ignition and you lost it then you won’t be able to get into your car. A good way to avoid locking your car keys in your car is to; every time you got to get out, shut you door and then use your clicker to lock the door. So then you know for sure that your keys are in your hand and not on your seat while you are locked outside your car. 
I think it is very important for every family member living in your house to have a house key. That way your door can be locked everyday all day long. There are too many bad things going on in this world for people not to be locking their doors at night and leaving them unlocked during the day while they are at school or work. Think about it, how much safer would you feel if you were home alone and in the shower knowing that your front and back doors are locked? I would feel a whole lot safer if I was in that situation. Even if you know people are going to be coming and going all day, just lock your door to be on the safe side because you never know, that one time you go to walk in your house and there is someone standing there that you have never even seen before. What do you do now? Exactly, be safe and lock your doors!

Schools or my school at least is going crazy on lock downs. They I would say are little too concerned about locking their doors during the school day and during after hours. I mean come on when all 1900 of us students are rushing through the front doors trying to make it to 1st hour on time, we are all trying to pile in 2 doors because they are the only two open!!! It’s crazy, during passing time the outside doors are open but as soon as the bell rings to begin class the door locks and you can no longer get inside. If you had to go somewhere in the main section of the school and you were on a wing you can go out the doors that are locked but you can’t get back in. Instead you have to go all the way around the halls of the school and it takes twice as long!

Personally I think my school needs to lay back the rules on the security system but hey, it’s the world we live in and this is what it has come to. (487)

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