Phones have changed tremendously over the years. Before phones there were people that were sent to deliver messages and then there were letters and now there are phones. The first phone to be made was, it was about three times the size of you face and really weird looking. The latest phone that has come out is the IPhone five, it is really technical. The phone has internet, Skype, face chat and basically anything that you can think of. Honestly I think the phone is a little over the top and the company should have stopped at the IPhone four.
Now a day’s phones are just getting kids in trouble. Whether it’s with teachers or their friends causing drama or their parents. In school just about every student texts during class and miss things the teachers are teaching over some stupid conversation. Teachers act like they are strict and say they will take your phone away but what I don’t get is that kids are so addicted to their phone that they risk the chance of losing it for a whole school day.
When it comes to drama, phones are the main participant. All it takes for one stupid rumor that someone made up about another person is one button, send. Once the message gets sent, it is out there and people can forward it to others and before you know it the whole school believes this rumor before the end of the week.
Parents are the main concern of high school students. The kids don’t let anyone especially their parents touch their phone. We get super protective whether there is anything bad on it or not. Our phones I would say are our life lines and can’t go more than a few hours without, which if you think about it, is really pathetic. (305)
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