Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's That Time of the Year Again

It’s That Time of the Year Again

Halloween comes and goes so quickly every year. Mostly because we, as in children and young adults, over look Halloween and start preparing for Christmas. For most Christmas is a much bigger deal than Halloween, but that’s not always the case.

For young elementary kids Halloween is a huge deal!! They get to go around to all the neighborhood houses and say, Trick-or-treat, and receive a boat load of candy! Of course there are always those houses that hand out fruit or healthy foods just to be a Debbie downer on sweets. 

Next we have the awkward middle school age where you don’t know if you should go trick-or-treating still. So instead you stay home and carve pumpkins and hand out candy. But then you see all of your middle school classmates out having fun so the next year you decide that you aren’t too old and participate in trick-or-treating once again.

Halloween in high school can get a little crazy and a wee bit out of hand. As a freshman being invited to an older Halloween party means the world to you. You feel so important and cool that you are going to this costume party. Until you get dropped off by your mom and walk in. As soon as you open the door you got the wrong impression for this costume party. You look down and you’re dressed up as a football player and when you look around everyone looks like whores. Their butts are hanging out boobs are everywhere, you think to yourself if the invite didn’t say costume party I would have thought it’s was a birthday suit party only! You decide to say because the upperclassmen don’t harass you too much because they know you didn’t know what to expect. But then there are alcohol and illegal substances everywhere so you call your mom to come get you. As you get in the car the cops are turning down the street, so it looks like you made a great decision after all and will probably think before you go to another upperclassmen party.

Grandparents love Halloween because they get to see all these little kids running around asking for candy. I love going to the old people’s houses because they always say, “you look so adorable here take two handfuls”. You get way more candy that way.

Halloween is fun for all ages, whether you receive candy, hand it out or just throw a party. Every age has a different way of celebrating, but no matter what it is. It always turns out fun. (436)

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