Who Am I
Who am I? That is a simple question but at the same time a hard question. I am a noun, no not a thing or a place I am simply just another human being on planet earth.
I am a “daughter”, a “sister”, a “niece”, a “cousin”, a “granddaughter”, but yet much more.
I am she and I am her. I am Jordash11 from time to time when I am on twitter but I am basically a big deal.
To some I am that sports girl and to others I am no one. To my family I am the baby girl who gets everything she wants. To my friends I am a character as they would say; “I’m the Donutland Queen”.
I am athletic. Some would say too athletic and question at the same time how I manage to do all my school work, sports and have time for my friends and fun! My response to that is roughly the same every time. I have two sports practices every night, on top of that too much homework. I get home from my activities and start my homework and by the time I get done with it, it is 2am. A lot of people feel bad for me and I say “don’t”, I’m not being forced to do any afterschool activities, I simply choose to do them. To answer their second part of the question about having time for friends and fun is easy! I may be well-known but I don’t have many friends, therefore I don’t go out and “hang”. Most people are like, “yeah whatever”. But really, I don’t have many friends, I have about a handful.
I am one who loves stories, but I only like to read them if I know I’m going to like them. In order for me to like the book I have to start it, but I don’t start it unless I know I’ll enjoy it, so therefore I do not read.
Shoes, shoes, oh my god shoes! I’m in love with shoes, especially Nike’s! I would much rather buy shoes than any other item.
I am me. I am courage, I am bravery, and I am hope. I will survive because I always believe. I never give up because I am a fighter.
Being born isn’t just anything, it’s a miracle. I wasn’t just born to be born. I was born to be somebody and I will make that happen in any way, shape, or form because I am me . . . Jordan.
Love it, Jordy!!!!! :)