Sunday, February 3, 2013

Weekend Shopping

Going Shopping on the Weekend

            Shopping on the weekend is the worst! The lines are miles long and it takes like four hours to get everything you need and to get out of the store.

            I always go grocery shopping with my mom because I feel bad if she has to load and unload everything by herself. So of course my mom wants to go grocery shopping on SUPER BOWL SUNDAY, and I said yes I’ll assist you. We went to Wal-Mart and of course there is nowhere to park so we park and the very back of the lot! Then we run inside only to see Black Friday all over again. There are people all over the place buying pop, beer, wings, cheese, meat and crackers so they can eat while watching the game tonight. I looked at my mom and she started laughing and said it won’t take long…. We were in there for three hours! It was so awful and never again will I go grocery shopping on Super Bowl Sunday.

            Shopping on just a normal weekend is busy enough but then you throw in a exciting day the stores become that much more crowded. The only plus about going grocery shopping today is that while my mom waited in line to check out I went to all of the sample carts that were giving out food at least twice! I was very hungry and those sample carts at least made my trip to Wal-Mart a little bit better. Here is a tip, no matter how badly you want to go to the store to stock up on groceries, don’t do it! It isn’t worth it to walk around the store for a few hours and waste half of your day. (294)

Two hour Delay or Cancellation...

School Delays

            Would you rather have a two hour delay, or a snow day? I would rather have a two hour delay because that way we don’t have to make up a school day later on in the year when it is nice out. There are some benefits of having both a two hour delay and a snow day though; it just depends on who you are.

            The benefits of a snow day if you are a senior in high school is a very good thing because if we have to make the day up  at the end of the school year the seniors are exempt from it. The seniors get out almost two weeks before the freshman, sophomores and the juniors. But if the snow make up day is scheduled in during the month of February then the seniors will have to make it up just like everyone else that attends the school.

            Most kids always hope for two hour delays because that way you don’t have to worry about making the school day up when you are supposed to be on summer break. The good things about two hour delays are that you get to sleep in, which is a wonderful feeling, or instead of sleeping in you can wake up and do the homework that you forgot to do the previous night. Two hour delays make school a lot of fun because classes are only 30 to 35 minutes long so classes are easy and kind of pointless. The only thing that stinks if you have a two hour delay is if you forgot to do your homework or if you didn’t study for a quiz and you didn’t realize it until you arrived at school. This is not good because you don’t have much time to cram it in during your earlier classes because of how short they are and then you begin to panic because you think you’re going to fail and then things just become very over whelming all around you.

            From the teachers I have had classes with; they either like two hour delays or hate them. The reasons teachers like two hour delays is because the class is too short to get through their lesson plan so instead they just say okay class treat as a study hall or get a head on some classes. The students go bananas when teachers say this because then they can just put their headphones in and finish homework from other classes so then they don’t have any for that night. Then you have those teachers that hate two hour delays and think they are so pointless and try to fit in the hour long lesson they had planned into 30 minutes. These are the kinds of teachers that students dislike because they end up walking out of class with three worksheets for homework and a very confused look on their face because they do not understand what they have been taught. (496)


School Attire

School Attire
            Parents when you watch your child walk out of the house to go to school in the morning what is going through your head? If I was some of these teenage parents I know what would be going through my head and it wouldn’t be good. Most high school students these days try to wear as least amount of clothes as possible and everything a few sizes too small. This is the reason why we have all boy and all girl schools and private schools. More and more girls are going to school looking like a hoe, while trying to impress the boys around her, instead of trying to learn. School is about helping you get an education not a place that you have mistaken for a street corner! Sometimes I wonder if these teenage parents even give a hoot about what their children wear to school.
            Ladies, if it is the middle of winter, do not wear a mini skirt with heels and a top that is basically see through! Have some self respect because if you can’t even provide that for yourself then why should others respect you. Honestly what are you gaining by dressing like you belong on a street corner when you go to school? Because I can name some things you are losing; self respect, respect from others, friends and even teachers feel bad for what you are dong to yourself. If you don’t start dressing more appropriate then you are really going to take away your learning abilities and distract others around you.
            To be approached by gentleman at your school you don’t have to be wearing makeup or tight clothing. Guys like to see girls as they really are, it doesn’t matter if they are showing off what they have or not because a real gentleman will like a girl for her personality. If a guy notices you and you are wearing sweatpants or jeans and a sweatshirt, then don’t change to be this girl that looks like a hoe because he already noticed you in the kinds of clothes you wear every day.
            Just look at yourself in the mirror before you go to school tomorrow and think to yourself; would you want your future son to date a girl that you are trying to be? If the answer is no, then go change and someone you are proud to be, but if the answer is sure I don’t really care, then I’m sorry and I feel sorry for you. (420)